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Families Frustrated by Lack of Access

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 19 April 2013 | 23.23

Alfonso Saldavar looks for his brother Mariano Saldavar who has been reported missing in West, TX. advertisement State troopers continue to block off every street leading in to the area damaged by Tuesday's explosion at the West fertilizer...
23.23 | 0 komentar | Read More

Timeline of Boston Marathon Bombing Manhunt

advertisement Twin bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon earlier this week, killing three people and wounding more than 170 others in what police later described as the worst attack in the history of the city. Here is a timeline...
23.23 | 0 komentar | Read More

Electronics Recycling This Weekend in Arlington

clipart.com Think twice before ditching those electronics. advertisement What do you get when you mix spring cleaning with Earth Week?  A great opportunity to recycle things you aren't using anymore. Luckily, this Saturday in Arlington,...
23.23 | 0 komentar | Read More

Boston Bomber Manhunt

local 17 minutes ago During an early morning news conference Friday, Sgt. Jason Reyes with the Texas... local 36 minutes ago The Boys Scouts of America is proposing to lift the ban for youth members but continue... local 2 hours ago...
23.23 | 0 komentar | Read More

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The likely cause for this is that your browser, feed reader, or email application is configured to not accept cookies, or your reader may launch an external browser to view links without sharing cookies. If you're using Internet Explorer, make...
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Bombing Suspect's Uncle: "Turn Yourself In"

advertisement VIDEO: Shootout with Bombing Suspects A viewer sent in this video of the dramatic Friday morning firefight between law enforcement agents and the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings. More Photos and Videos...
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