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STAAR Tests Come with $90M Tab

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 05 April 2013 | 23.23

advertisement As students take the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness, or STAAR, tests this spring, they are part of a program that is on-track to cost Texas taxpayers almost half a billion dollars over five years. An NBC 5 investigation...
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Gun Shop Owner Remembers Slain District Attorney

advertisement The owner of the gun shop Kaufman County's slain district attorney visited less than 24 hours before his death says he showed no sign of fear. Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, were found shot to death in their home Saturday....
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DNA Match Links Benitez to Lake Highlands Attacks

Ben Russell, NBC 5 News DNA evidence links the suspect Dallas police have in custody to three attacks on women in the Lake Highlands area, according to investigators. DNA Match Links Benitez to Lake... Copy Close Link to this...
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Mother, Son Run Against Each Other in Mayor's Race

advertisement Wendy and Randall Casey don't talk much over breakfast these days. Or lunch. Or even dinner. Truth be known, even though the mother and son share a home in Dixmoor, a village south of Chicago, they usually just pass each other in...
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Off-Duty Cop Takes Down TSA Attacker

It's a story that played out in Honolulu, but is now getting plenty of attention in the Bay Area after Justin Rogers, an off-duty Pinole police officer, turned hero after he stopped an attack on a TSA agent while wearing socks in the airport. Marla...
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Target Sorry for Plus-Size "Manatee" Label

AP Target spokesperson Joshua Thomas, pointed out that many of Target's products across a range of categories, are labeled "manatee gray," including towels, rain boots and T-shirts. advertisement Target has apologized for unintentionally...
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Family on Airboat Ride Missing in Fla. Everglades

Getty Images / Scott Olson Police are investigating an altercation in Meriden. advertisement Authorities were searching the Florida Everglades for a family of five from Ohio who went missing while taking an airboat ride. The family of...
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